Creativity Energized!

Some esteemed authors reveal their writing secrets

My creative juices are supercharged when I’m in a space with other writers and professionals who make the publishing industry churn. I recently attended CraftFest and ThrillerFest in New York City, an excellent duo of conferences. CraftFest included an opportunity for writers to pitch their books to rooms full of agents, so that was especially welcome (if nerve wracking).  I pitched my mystery and received positive responses from some of the best agents in the business! I’ve been busy with follow-ups to them. Fingers crossed!

I was glad I had my notebook handy, not just to take notes on all the wisdom offered by best-selling authors, agents and editors, but because new book plots kept popping through my thoughts. I think that all that creative, writing energy just awoke my story brain. I jotted down several ideas while I was there, and one of them is starting to nag me. It wants to come to life!

I’m ready to dive into a new project, so I’ll be starting an outline for my next mystery. It will feature a unique protagonist who stumbles into a lot more trouble than she expects when she assumes a new identity. Stay tuned for more on this troublesome heroine who is insisting I give her a plot!

Caught a show while I was there!
Stumbled on a performance by the NYC Opera!
The New York Public Library showing its pride